This bill is very pro-crypto.

Bernie Moreno
Republican Senator from Ohio
Notable statements
S.J. Res 3

Bernie Moreno
Gary Gensler‘s days at the SEC are OVER and President Trump couldn’t have picked a better replacement!
Paul Atkins will provide clear regulations, make America the world leader on digital assets, and unleash American innovation.

Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
Glad to see big time loser Sherrod Brown and his boss, Elizabeth Warren, failed spectacularly (again) in their pathetic, last minute, bid to stack the SEC with anti-crypto radicals.
Voters rejected Brown’s far-left agenda in November, and it’s time for him to finally go home.…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
I will always fight for innovation to flourish here in America!
Radical liberals like Sherrod Brown and Elizabeth Warren, who are uniquely unqualified to regulate crypto, put America last.…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
Forever politicians like Sherrod Brown and Joe Biden don't understand the first thing about crypto and are totally unqualified to regulate it. They are obsessed with destroying crypto because they hate American innovation.
I'll lead the fight to defend crypto in the US Senate.

Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
RT @BitcoinMagazine: NEW:
Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno says “Our Founding Fathers would have been bitcoiners.”
“They believed i…

Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
RT @Surabees: Ohio GOP nominee for US Senate and blockchain entrepreneur @berniemoreno torches Sherrod Brown for being the most anti-Crypto…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
Sherrod Brown just voted against the repeal of SAB 121, one of the most egregious examples of deep state overreach in American history. Twelve rational democrats joined every Republican in restoring sanity to the regulation of digital asset custody. Brown is an extremist and……mmittee.
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
Fact: @SherrodBrown, who is completely unqualified to speak on this issue, let alone be in charge of regulations, won’t make a move that isn’t approved by his mentor, @SenWarren.
She has no interest in a good regulatory framework. She wants to destroy the entire crypto industry.…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
This election is a choice between those that support @Bitcoin and those who that support Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Vote for freedom over tyranny on March 19th!…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
Allowing left wing radicals like @SenWarren and @SherrodBrown to create legislation that regulates crypto - something they know nothing about -is completely ridiculous and exactly what’s wrong with DC.…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
RT @DavidMMcintosh: Crypto isn't just technology, it's a movement toward individual freedom and responsibility. I'm proud of our support fo…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
Life long career politician and multi-millionaire @SherrodBrown is Biden's puppet and @SenWarren's lap dog.
He's wholly unqualified to oversee US banking, has no clue about crypto, and pushes left wing policies that crush the working class.…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
I’m honored to have the support of one of the most pro-freedom /pro-crypto Congressmen in America.
As a fellow outsider and businessman, Warren understands what it takes to tackle the deep State in Washington DC and I'm excited to work with him from the Senate.…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
RT @SenatorHagerty: I’m hearing examples of companies in the crypto space being debanked by US banks who are caving to political pressure f…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
RT @Forbes: Cryptocurrencies hog the spotlight, but blockchain’s biggest innovations are below the surface, saving billions each year for t…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
No @billmaher, a baby is not the same as a Bitcoin.
This mentality does explain a lot about the twisted, far left liberal mind.…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
Miami is now the undisputed blockchain/Bitcoin capital of America.
What could have been ……
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
RT @APompliano: The 19,000,000th bitcoin was just mined.
Only 2 million more bitcoin to go.
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
It takes three to five days to wire money internationally and massive fees are charged. It happens instantaneously with #bitcoin with zero fees.
Until the financial world realizes their system needs an overhaul, Bitcoin will continue to grow and become widely accepted.
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
RT @WSJopinion: Crypto donations are making a difference for Ukrainians, both in and out of the country, writes @ilblackdragon. It’s a gods…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
Financial sanctions against Russia, even if their banks are eventually removed from SWIFT, would have been extremely effective 10 years ago. However, Bitcoin availability and Russia’s familiarity with it will soften their impact.
Blacklist Russian DNS servers/ISP providers.
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
Bitcoin *uses* blockchain.
Great article by Sani Abdul-Jabbar in @Forbes.…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
“But crypto can be really confusing for outsiders. The technology is relatively new, and it's constantly evolving … Yet, we’re supposed to believe that … Biden and some detached federal bureaucrats can write rules for this technology?“…
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
RT @JonErlichman: VC investment in cryptocurrency and blockchain companies:
2021: $30 billion
2020: $6.5 billion
2019: $3.9 billion
Very pro-crypto

Bernie Moreno
RT @ggreenwald: The implications of bitcoin technology beyond being just a currency -- and especially its potential for decentralizing powe…
Very pro-crypto